Aaron L. Hammer | Attorney, Entrepreneur & Civic Leader | Aaron L. Hammer chairs The M&A Advisor's 2023 Distressed Investing Summit in Palm Beach, Florida
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Aaron L. Hammer chairs The M&A Advisor's 2023 Distressed Investing Summit in Palm Beach, Florida

As the Conference Chairperson, Aaron L. Hammer welcomed attendees at The M&A Advisor's 2023 Distressed Investing Summit in Palm Beach, Florida and moderated a panel on successful turnaround stories featuring Geoffrey Richards of Raymond James, Jacob Vogel of TekModo, John Caple of Hidden Harbor Capital Partners and Peter Vauthy of RED South Beach.

For 17 years, The Summit assembles the most active restructuring deal makers, distressed asset investors, bankruptcy judges, advisors, consultants and other key market experts – academics, media, government and political influencers – and celebrates the leading distressed M&A, restructuring, divestitures, and refinancing transactions, product and services, firms and professionals. opening reception, discuss turnaround experiences in a program session and participate in the Awards Gala.

Aaron was also honored with The M&A Advisor's Turnaround Award “Legal Advisor of the Year” at the Awards Gala.